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The long-established museum winter lecture series starts its 2018-19 season on Wednesday 5th December at 7pm at the John Mackintosh Hall. Stewart Finlayson of the Gibraltar National Museum will be presenting his work in the field of nature photography, including anecdotes and intimate background details of how some of his impressive photographs were obtained. The lecture is entitled “Through my lens” and will include work carried out in Gibraltar, the Iberian Peninsula and further afield, including some of Stewart’s favourite species and habitats – those of the Arctic. There will be surprises on the way – species that you have to travel well north of the Arctic Circle today which could have been seen in Gibraltar itself when climates were very different from those of today. The lecture will be amply illustrated by Stewart’s photographs, each of which will tell a special story.

Entrance is free and all are welcome.

Published: December 03, 2018

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